
Attempt at a chronological fixing of terms not found, or not found in this form or meaning, in the oldest parts of the Sutta Pitaka.

























paccaya: This term occurs often in the old sutta texts in such expressions as: 'ko hetu, ko paccayo', 'yam yad eva paccayam paticca uppajjati viññānam', etc., or as abl. adverb in 'avijjāpaccayā sankhārā'. All the 24 paccaya are for the first time enumerated, explained and applied to the phenomena of existence in the Abh. Canon (Patth). Of these 24 paccaya, 5 are already mentioned in Pts.M. (II, 49-54, 59f., 72-77), namely, sahajāta-, aññamañña-, nissaya-, sampayutta-, vippayutta-paccaya.

1. Hetu is already used in the sutta texts as 'condition' in a general and indefinite way, as a synonym of paccaya. In the sense of kusala and akusala roots (mūla; s. M. 9), however, it is only found in the Abh. Canon and Com.

2. ārammana has in the 'sutta texts only the meaning of 'foundation', or 'basis', or 'dependent on', e.g. M. 21: 'tadārammanañca sabbalokam mettāsahagatena cetasā pharitvā....' or D.33; S.XXII.53: 'viññānam ... rūpārammanam ... vedanāram-manam....' As term for the 6 objects, rūpārammana, saddārammana, etc., it is first used in the Abh. Canon, though the teaching of dependency of the 6 kinds of viññāna on the 6 sense-objects is an integral part of the suttas. Cf. e.g. M.38: 'cakkhuñca paticca rūpe ca uppajjati viññānam sotañca paticca sadde ca ...' etc.

3. Adhipati, as a philosophical term, occurs for the first time in the Abh. Canon (esp. Patth.). The 4 adhipati are in the suttas called iddhipāda (e.g. S. LI. 11). In the old sutta texts, 3 adhipateyya are however mentioned: atta-, loka-, dhamma- (A. III, 38).

4. & 5. Anantara- and samanantara-paccaya occur, as paccaya, for the first time in the Abh. Canon (esp. Patth.). In a veiled form, however, we find the first term in the old sutta texts (e.g. Ratana Sutta in Khp. and Sn.): 'samādhim ānantarikaññamāhu': the concentration (associated with the arahatta-magga), which is called the 'immediate' condition (for arahatta-phala).

6. & 7. Sahajāta and aññamañña-paccaya. Though these terms, as such, are not found in the older sutta texts, still the teaching of the conascent and mutual conditionedness of the 4 mental groups (vedanā, saññā, sankhāra, viññāna) is taught in the old texts, e.g. M. 28, 43; S. XXII, etc.

8. Nissaya-paccaya is mentioned in Pts; s. first paragraph of this article, above.

9. Upanissaya-paccaya. Though this name is not found in the suttas, the teaching expressed thereby is, however, frequently met with there, sometimes even in the form of upanisā (apparently a contraction of upanissaya), e.g. S. XII, 23: 'Yam pi'ssa tam bhikkhave khayasmim khaye ñānam, tam sa-upanisam vadāmi, no anupanisam '. The terms pakati-, ārammana- and anantara-upanissaya are later developments of the Abh. Com.

All the remaining terms are met with only in the Abh. literature though the substance is, perhaps in all cases, already dealt with in the old sutta texts.











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