The Bodhisatta was once a householder in a village near Benares and he had a most beautiful wife, named Sujātā. One day, at her request, they prepared some sweetmeats, and, placing them in a cart, started for Benares to see her patents. On the way Sujātā was seen by the king of Benares, and, wishing to possess her, he ordered the jewel of his diadem to be introduced into the Bodhisatta's cart. The cry of " thief " was then set up, and the Bodhisatta arrested and taken off to be executed. But Sakkas throne was heated by Sujātā's lamentations, and, descending to earth, Sakka made the king and the Bodhisatta change places. The king was beheaded, and Sakka, revealing himself, set the Bodhisatta on the throne.

The story was related in reference to Devatattas attempts to kill the Buddha. The king is identified with Devadatta, Sakka with Anuruddha, and Rāhulamātā with Sujātā (J.ii.121 5). The story gives the case of a man getting happiness through a virtuous woman. J.iv.77.

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